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Quality Management Systems are essential for success in the engineering and manufacturing sectors

Mission Statement

“The Total Water Management System (TWMS) will innovate water purification throughout its many diversified niches. Its delivery of purified water in an efficient and tailored manner, coupled to environmentally friendly bio-technical engineering, will not only benefit end-users, but also reward investors.”

Markets: Aquaculture & Wastewater Treatment (WWT) 

Company Name: Element

Period: 1996 - 1999

Total Water Management System (TWMS)

The TWMS proved to be more effective than other technologies under development at that time and a strong contender in a buoyant market place.

Customer focus is a key principle of Total Quality Management

Commercial Opportunity

Evolution in the water treatment industry rendered existing technology obsolete and forced uptake of more sophisticated treatment systems.


The most readily identifiable niche was for “spec. built housing”, where septic tanks have most commonly been used, as sites are often remote from mains sewerage systems.


The company Element was established as the development vehicle for the TWMS, holding all the IP associated with the project.
A range of Packaged Systems for wastewater treatment (WWT) in both the residential and commercial sectors in the British Isles was developed.
Clear communication ensures everyone understands the TQM ethos

SMART Objectives

The main strategic objectives of the company were to:

Produce a range of sophisticated WWT systems based on the proven Recirculating Suspended Biofilm (RSB) primary module


Establish commercial relationships with key market influencers and licence the technology for manufacture


Identify and engage specialists in IP licensing to prepare licensing strategy and undertake the negotiation and the IP for completion of licences


Business and quality management systems (QMS) are key to success


A well rounded-management team, headed by Nicholas Alexander, comprising advisors with a range of core skills was assembled with each member responsible for their own specialist area.

Collectively they brought a synergy and all the necessary skills required to establish and operate the business in its formative period.

Management Systems

Business and quality management systems (QMS) were implemented and specific industry standards adhered to, including BS EN 12566 for septic tanks and small sewage treatment plants.


The project generated enthusiastic support from a range of academic and governmental sources who provided funding.

In addition, the technology received a Business Innovation Award from Manufacturing Technology Partnership (MTP).


To take the leap from “Concept to Consumer” fully functional prototypes were developed using 3D modelling, with support from the Northern Ireland Technology Centre.

Trials were undertaken using a small pilot system and results validated by IRTU.

Product built to industry standard BS EN 12566


A major UK company in the water management field licensed the product for use in several industrial applications.

Hozelock plc invested in the commercialisation of a small packaged unit for its consumer market.

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